iNet – NG Design Israel – Automotive hi-tech Tracking security system .
For Vehicles, Motorcycles, ATV, Trucks and more,,,
iNet Powered with push notification interface Bi-directional communication, through Smartphone and dedicated server.
Push notification alerts and indicators
Arm – mode
Shock sensor activated
Motion Sensor Activated
Main power was disconnected
Switch is opens
Low battery
Disarm mode
Main power was disconnected
Speed Limits
Low battery
iNet System enables online tracking in real time, Including fleet management watching and monitoring
Arm , Disarm , Find location , on line real-time tracking !, shock sensor calibration , speed limits notification .
iNet app’s is very friendly and easy to operate.
In addition to the ability of monitoring and control, iNet can providing information about the system
Vehicle license plate number, car speed, GPS clock and date, kilometers status , battery status.
iNet System is backed up with smart management server Which allows to connect to the iNet via computer, using a username and password with Internet connection
Web interface enables a huge range of management tools
Like, real-time tracking, watching history, issuing various reports, and many other
** You Must have a 3G enable phone or internet connection.
iNet system marketed ” ready for installation ” including a built-in SIM card combined with a dedicated communications package. “Subscription fee required”
After downloading the app needs to fill up username and password, which has been issued for your system at the authorized reseller