An active tracking system is connected to the 24/7 operations center The entire year. is controlled by a keyboard / application that controls the disconnection of an engine in a vehicle
The system warns of attempted theft of the vehicle in several different parameters and is the only system today that combines a smart sensor capable of providing early warning of violent breakout attempt.
INet system is backed up with a smart management server which allows to connect to iNet via computer, using a username and password with internet connection
Web interface allows a huge variety of management tools like real-time tracking, viewing history, issuing various reports, and many others
You must have a 3G enable phone or internet connection.
INet is a “ready to install” system with a built-in SIM card in combination with a dedicated communications package. “Subscription Fee Required”
After downloading the application you must fill in a username and password, which has been issued for your system.
GPS / GPRS technology enables accurate positioning on satellites and cellular systems. Monitoring the system on-line with maximum accuracy

Key Features
Retrieving all the vehicle’s travel history for data verification with customers.
♦ Characterized as an active active system because of the way the data is transmitted 24/7.
♦ The iNet system is especially small and only a few centimeters in size. This advantage enables maximum removal of the additional backup unit in the vehicle.
♦ Installation – minimal intervention in the various vehicle systems.
♦ Built-in backup battery that allows location transmission and tracking even after the power is disconnected.
♦ Warning of attempted theft / violent burglary / disconnecting main voltage / disconnecting battery / disconnecting computer / dependent model vehicle for performance and installation.